Vergleichstest: Wärmeleistung des Tansun Sorrento 2kW Infrarotheizstrahlers im Vergleich zu einem Wettbewerbsgerät

Comparison test: heat output of the Tansun Sorrento 2kW Infrarothic lizard compared to a competitive device

Originally published on LinkedIn


In our pursuit of quality are at Tel GmbH and the manufacturer Tansun Longevity, repair friendship and compliance with modern manufacturing standards. We are convinced that the performance of our heating spotlights is leading. So far, however, we were only able to demonstrate this subjectively and through exemplary demonstrations. In order to objectively quantify the performance differences, we carried out a comparison test in July 2024. This report is not a comprehensive scientific study, but offers results under realistic conditions in terms of distance and air flow.

Test products

For our comparison we chose the following devices:


  • Tansun Sorrento 2KW: Short -wave Infrared Heater, Used, with new original tube, new price including VAT: 389 €, made in Great Britain
  • Comparative device 2KW: Short -wave Infrared Heater, Used, with new original tube, new price including VAT: € 109.99, made in China


Both devices carry the CE sign and are offered by local sales companies, customer support and spare parts availability are available.


The Tansun Sorrento generates between 109 % and 187 % more heat than the comparison device. Our heating spotlights therefore deliver 2.09 to 2.87 times more warmth with the same power. These measurements show that our devices have significantly higher efficiency.

Although we cannot derive direct energy savings from this information, the results confirm that the Sorrento releases significantly more infrared heat. In future tests we will work with temperature control at lower ambient temperatures to achieve a desired target temperature and to determine the power consumption. So we can also quantify the difference monetarily.

An exemplary calculation for saving costs shows that the higher purchase price of the Sorrento is compensated for by energy savings of around 33 % according to 1,116 kWh. With a current price of 25 cents per kWh, the break-even would be reached after 1,690 operating hours. In the hospitality industry, With intensive use of 720 hours a year, the price difference would be amortized after two and a half heating periods. With daily use of 8 hours over 180 days a year, this could be the case at the beginning of the second heating season.


Measurement results in 6 different test measurements


The radiant heaters were installed on a tripod at a height of approx. 160 cm and aligned horizontally. The radiation temperature sensor was attached at a horizontal distance of 1.5 m or 2 m. Behind the radiation temperature sensor was an open bearing gate (7.5 sqm), an open door to an adjoining room with direct access to the side. The air temperature on the radiant heater was measured with a separate sensor before the experiment. During the test, we only observed the temperatures on the radiation temperature sensor. The starting temperature was over 20 ° C each.

A power consumption meter determined the actual consumption of the devices: the Sorrento used 1,910 watts, the comparison device 1,920 watts. We observed the temperature changes over a period of 10 minutes. After each test run we waited for the temperature to be stabilized before another run started. The temperature rise was converted to the actual consumption performance per KW.


Despite the identical performance of 2,000 watts, the results show significant differences. These could be due to different infrared shares of the heating tubes or to reflector efficiency. The Sorrento is significantly more efficient when transferring infrared heat over a distance of 1.5 to 2.0 meters.

Our comparison focused on the heat output at a distance. Other characteristics of the comparison device, such as a remote control, 3 dimensions and 'low glare' tubes, have not been tested. The longevity was also not examined, although we suspect that critical components in the housing of the comparison device are less protected from heat. According to the manufacturer, the infrared tubes of both devices have an average lifespan of approx. 6,000 hours.



The Infrared Heater Tansun In this test, Sorrento is many times more effective than a comparison product with identical recording performance. When choosing a product, it is not sufficient to compare the purchase criteria according to a data sheet and purchase price. While this may only be possible in the case of a few operating hours in private use, when using the commercial use is in the commercial use in the hospitality industry Or to expect operating costs as a workplace heating at short notice (after 1-2 years), the purchase price differences.

Measurement used


  • Radiation sensor PT100 Class B, 3-leader from OTOM® Group GmbH
  • Cable sensor PT100 class B, 2-ladder of OTOM® Group GmbH (for the air temperature)
  • Rex-C100 temperature controller for temperature measurement


Challenges and restrictions

Although we have an interest in advantageous results for our products, we strived for an objective assessment. We explain different radiation temperatures and the start temperature varied by 3-4 ° C by reflected sunlight in the test zone. Originally, a more expensive radiation temperature sensor from another manufacturer was to be used, but which was replaced by delivery delays. Despite these open questions, we carried out the tests because both devices were checked with the same measuring material.

The higher output temperature than usual means that both devices could probably show even higher temperature increases at lower starting temperatures. Since no climate chamber is available to us, wind and temperature conditions could vary.

Tests carried out by Tel GmbH |

We rely on short -wave electrical Infrared Heater As an alternative heating option for jobs. This results in the following advantages:


  • Rapid warming: Short -wave Infrared Heater enable immediate warming of surfaces and people without having to heat up the room air beforehand.
  • Zone -specific control: Our technology enables flexible and needs -based heating of various open hall areas to optimize energy consumption.
  • Uncomplicated installation: The simple installation without complex construction work minimizes the space requirement and preserves the flexibility of the interior design.
  • Environmentally friendly: Electrical Infrared Heater Do not produce harmful emissions, and with a corresponding power supply, even CO2-neutral operation is possible.



We look forward to your news, questions, suggestions or tips for future tests.

Measurement results Tansun Sorrento



Measurement results comparison product
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